I have recently felt the need to declutter and simplify my life… from the outside in and the inside out. It is my summer goal.
Initially, it was a response due to a change of location and a quick move. I needed to reorganize after just throwing stuff in boxes to get from A to B. I have had a desire for a long time to simplify, cut back, and minimize though… the need has hit me on various times in my life. But recently it morphed into wanting all of my belongings fit into my car for ease of transport and to obtain the nomadic lifestyle.
Now, I’m beginning to see some spiritual connections and am wondering if the Lord has taken me on this journey in this specific timing for deeper reasons and to teach me more about Himself, and/or reveal more of my weakness/brokenness/human nature and need of Him.
Until I started to tangibly purge some things, I didn’t notice how much “stuff” I’ve actually accumulated or do not even use. This stuff is also very telling of my character, interests, what I hold on to, issues, etc. One starts to notice certain patterns or traits of what we like to ‘carry with us’… whether it’s stuff tucked away in storage, things we think are important, or something we use on a daily basis.
My mind goes into various avenues of “why do I even have this?” and I then remember that at one point I thought it was important enough to keep, and the rationale is “I can always use this at some point”.
I am an extremely sentimental person and I also hate wasting, so if someone has given me something – I tend to keep it even if I never use it because of the simple fact that it has value since someone I love gave it to me. I attach things to relationships, to my past, to my future, to my present… and yet, I still may not use the item. I choose to carry it around though – why function this way?
Decluttering, simplifying, and reorganizing is very overwhelming. It surfaces a lot of stuff that is hard to let go of. It’s mentally, emotionally, and spiritually exhausting because it touches every facet of my life and being. It’s painful in the process and yet the ultimate goal is more freedom… I want to get to the end.
I feel like the Lord has prompted me in this process to go even deeper with my decluttering and purging… not just in the tangible, but in the intangible stuff of my heart and internal processes. The impurities and stains of my insides need exposure and proper cleansing. A child-like faith is needed as I let go of these complex ideals and return to the truth and simplicity of the Cross and blood of my Jesus for that cleansing and exposure.
I think He must have known that my summer goal would start this process. I asked Him (without realizing at the time that it related) to strengthen and equip me this summer for what I am supposed to do in His Kingdom. I still don’t know what He will do through this, but I now see that He’s intentional in taking me through these decluttering/organizing days.
What else can He declutter, purge, and simplify in my heart while I obediently do this in my physical life? I await in expectation His beautiful teaching and merciful moving.