Have you ever just REALLY soaked in this verse?
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
I mean… REALLY read it, paid attention to all that it is saying, and then actively attempt to live it?
It’s such a familiar set of verses and probably one of the first that even children learn to memorize or recite in Sunday school. Though I never really went to Sunday school growing up, it’s still a verse I’ve read many many times and one easily recitable (is that a word?) and brought to memory.
Lately though, the reality of this verse has been hitting me like a ton of bricks. It’s painful to my flesh and isn’t an easy one to swallow. Yet on the other end, it makes me intensely joyful and excited!
- What would it really look like to trust in the Lord with ALL of my heart?
- What would it really look like to NOT lean on my own understanding?
- What would it really look like to submit to the Lord in ALL of my ways?
Man, that would be so intense! To really live like that. He deserves no less after all. What it would look like is… HIM making the path straight. Rather than me trying to do it all on my own. It would be a pretty epic life with Him in complete control, wouldn’t it? Yet how often do we just give Him half-hearted trust? As if that’s even trust at all… How often do we just lean on our own understanding of something? How often do we rebel and let our stubbornness win out instead of submitting to the Lord in all of our ways?
I want to soak in those verses for all that they are… let them really penetrate my heart, spirit, and life – so that I can live them out. Not just recite them or be knowledgeably familiar with it. I want to be intimate and active with that passage and let the Lord move in.