This is something I wrote over five years ago on a different blog site. While a lot has changed since then, this message was even more relevant today, so I wanted to share it for those who may need it like I did/do.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I actually started to write this post yesterday morning (the title is still the same), then stopped because I had to take care of a few things. Yesterday evening I was shared something from my brother that will stick with me for the rest of my life – and it actually correlated with what I was going to write about in this blog… but it changed my entire perspective as well.
The title is “Who holds your heart?”… and that is the ultimate question. While the purpose of this blog, “Wash-His Feet”, may be two-fold – it’s main focus is Jesus Christ. So often, we get distracted from Him due to our desires or life circumstances or whatever. It’s easy to get distracted when you have the desire to get married, or especially when you are married. That’s what Paul talks about in 1 Corinthians 7 on the difference between married and unmarried men and women (but I’ll save that for a later post…).
Yesterday I will confess I had a particular person on my mind and heart for most of the day, and that person was not Jesus but a man who really loves Jesus. So that evening, I asked my brother (who knows this man personally) “do you think I’m setting myself up for a disappointment by liking ______?” What he shared, I had already in my heart… but he shared this in a way that changed my perspective quite a bit and got me more focused on the Lord than on my “situation” of liking someone. He said “I think if you’re holding out for him, then yes – you are…” He also mentioned many other things about how I do not need to be worried or thinking about it but needed to remain focused on Jesus… because if the Lord were to work it out that I would marry this person then I will be delighted, but if He did not see fit have me marry him, if my focus was solely on God working His will – I would not be affected or disappointed if this man found another girl. My brother said I should go to the Lord desiring to be His servant, not just to be a wife on earth. This was extremely pertinent to what the Lord has placed in me for Wash-His Feet, but it hit me so deeply that I know God was trying to get my attention. It changed something in my heart, and I am very grateful to my brother for speaking into my life this way.
So, the question we all should be asking ourselves is – who holds my heart?
This goes for singles, engaged couples, as well as husband and wife. If your future husband, fiance, or husband solely holds your heart, you have a lot of expectation put on a man – that he will never live up to because he is human. This does not mean your husband should not hold or have your heart, by all means if you shut yourself off to him; what kind of marriage is that? What it does mean is, your heart should be securely fixated and held in the hands of Jesus Christ completely. You belong to Him first (and so does your husband).
For singles, do not continue to seek a love that will not satisfy, or worry if a particular person may be “the one” God has for you to marry. Let the Lord hold your heart until He orchestrates the proper time for a relationship and marriage. Don’t “hold out” for a man. “Hold out” for the day when you will see Jesus face-to-face. Pursue His heart as He holds yours. Wash-His feet as His servant and bride-to-be… you will never be disappointed. Follow Him hard, and love Him intensely. Do what He has placed in you to do. And if/when He does send an earthly man to pursue you, you will be delighted… plus, you will have something greater to offer your husband on earth. You will be much more secure because you belong to the Lord.
Wash-His feet… first.