Most intense video ever… only 5:14 minutes long, but worth it. I’ve watched it multiple times and many different times to truly grasp it. My favorite video ever. I’ll likely post it again and again on this blog, because I think it is that important and explains the core of the Gospel very well… sled dog…
Human Condition
The human condition is one of loss. We lost the only thing that ever mattered to us by an act of our own free will. We chose pride over True Love. We widen the gap of our own miserable existence from reaching our true Love by holding onto that deep bitter-sweet sin. I say bitter-sweet, because…
From one sinner to another…
I wrote this to someone (changed a few things for this blog post though)… and it convicted me, so I wanted to share it here in hopes that someone else may be propelled closer to Christ and the Cross as I was. I was preaching to myself as well. Chapters of the bible I’d read…