Beautiful One

I wrote the following paragraph back on May 10, 2010. It was on my heart this morning that I needed to share it… I titled it “Beautiful One”. It was something that I felt like God was saying to me in my heart at that time. I have never verbally heard God, so I won’t ever say “God said…” and give someone a ‘word’. This was just something personal for the time I was going through, and it felt like God was speaking to me. I hope it blesses you as well. I needed to read it again today and I’ll likely write another entry on why, but for now I’ll just post the paragraph itself…

My beautiful one,

Once again, you have turned your gaze from Me. You may think it was only for a little while, but to Me it feels like forever since time does not exist with Me. I miss you. I miss our dance, when you would simply let Me hold you and lead you on, with your deep trust and eyes fixed upon Me. Nothing else mattered, everything melted away. It was simply Me and you – laughing, dancing, carefree. You weren’t looking at the other dances, or focusing on your disfigured feet… because our dance is not theirs, and your feet are beautiful to Me. You are beautiful to Me. Remember this. But you’re worrying again, why? Future and present… do they really matter? Your life begins and ends with Me, let it go. Stop your anxious concerns. Did I not hold you before, closely, and take care of you? Why strive to take steps in this dance that were not choreographed and timely orchestrated by Me, My love? I have you. I’m holding you. Turn your head, heart, and soul back toward me. Let Me lead you in these dance steps. Give Me all of you, no strings attached. Follow Me, I will not lead you astray.

I love you.


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