I actually titled and began to write this post on Friday (January 27th), but I ended up writing a different blog instead. The title is the same as what I had – I just saved it as a draft. I’ve wanted to write about this and have had it on my heart for many months now. It…
All posts in Favorites
The End
I have SO much burning in my heart to write, that I have no idea where to even start. I’m realizing more and more lately how I have lived for so long in my own way or by the standard of what is supposedly “right” by “Christian” society. It’s bondage in it’s most justified creepy form. Continually…
Fearful, Wonderful, Precious, Fragile
I haven’t felt much up to writing for the past month. It’s quite strange for me and you can always tell if “something’s up” when I don’t write. I either haven’t spent much time with my Father, life has gotten stressful, too busy, unbalanced or I’m just not handling things well. Typically a conglomeration of…