This blog isn’t sharing specifics on what the Lord has shown me lately… it’s simply my thoughts of today. He may be using this and teaching me something, since He always guides me in ways I don’t even realize He is – but I don’t have biblical truths to share at this point that will…
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Taking People For Granted
So, I had a pretty awesome weekend once again. It was anything from mundane and full of new memories, which is always amazing. However, I now have a lot on my mind and heart. I got to see a beautiful friend I hadn’t seen for almost 2 years. It was just like it had always…
Just “BE”
I had an incredible weekend. It was seriously like heaven came down and swooped me back into Jesus’ arms. I just want to glorify Him and praise His name again like never before! It’s actually quite odd how this came about. The Lord simply used a person to propell me back into Him. I hadn’t…