Love… such an incredible thing. I cannot fathom it, or verbalize it, or fully express it the way that Jesus does. I think this is why I desire Christ so intensely, because of the fullness and completeness of His love. I love incompletely and conditionally. I desperately desire to love like my Father, but I…
All posts in Favorites
I don’t usually like to give Satan any focus. However, we have to acknowledge what happens in our journey on this strange alien planet and the fact that there is a definite enemy and evil that we battle on a daily basis. Every moment, I have a choice. The bless-ed frustrating gift of free will.…
Human Condition
The human condition is one of loss. We lost the only thing that ever mattered to us by an act of our own free will. We chose pride over True Love. We widen the gap of our own miserable existence from reaching our true Love by holding onto that deep bitter-sweet sin. I say bitter-sweet, because…