I wrote this on my scratch pad on March 4, 2014… not in my typical journal or anywhere I normally write important things because a scratch pad was all I had at the time. I have to write this out somewhere before I implode. Society as we know it is a fallacy. In mere months…
Who holds your heart?
This is something I wrote over five years ago on a different blog site. While a lot has changed since then, this message was even more relevant today, so I wanted to share it for those who may need it like I did/do. Wednesday, July 28, 2010 I actually started to write this post yesterday…
The Life of an “Individual” Marriage
Monday, December 13, 2010 I haven’t written here in a while. I suppose it is because I have been “busy” with other things and life. I think I need to start this up again, and writing out some of my opinions, what I believe the Lord puts in my heart (based on His Word), and…