I opened this window to draft some things about my very human struggle and God’s very real redemption from it… right as I opened this window however, I broke down weeping. From the outside, it would have appeared ‘out of the blue’, but more was going on deeper… and it wasn’t just a random occurrence.…
All posts in Personal
I’m a perfectionist. And let me tell you, that’s one of the most debilitating aspects of my flesh. It gives me a sense of CONTROL, but not the spirit-fruit of self-control. The sinful fruit born of my need to control my life and everything in it, do things my way instead of God’s way. I…
In-sanity or In-vanity?
HA! I just figured out the above title. Clever no? Yeah, likely a bit cheesy or not even really great, BUT! I found it quite interesting… you can just change a single letter in the word “INSANITY” and it becomes “INVANITY”… sure it’s my own made up word… but put the hyphen in there and…